RBS is an IBHS provider for ABA Therapy. Our center offers treatment for children ages 2-6 with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Services are provided in a clinic by a treatment team of Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBA), Behavior Consultants (BC), Registered Behavior Technicians (RBT), and Behavioral Health Technicians (BHT).
Clients will receive in-person ABA therapy in a clinic setting. After intake and assessment, individualized treatment plans are developed to target behaviors for decrease as well as skill areas for increase such as communication, independence skills, fine motor and gross motor skills, and play and social skills.
Each client’s treatment plan will be developed by a BCBA and BC. Each client will have one-to-one staffing by a RBT/BHT to implement the treatment.
Treatment is delivered in an interactive, fun, and engaging environment. Clients will participate in playful, creative, and exciting activities throughout the day that will help them develop age-appropriate skills.
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is the science of learning and behavior. ABA refers to a set of principles that focus on how behaviors change, or are affected by the environment, as well as how learning takes place. ABA is a therapy applied to behaviors for decrease as well as skills to increase such as actions needed to communicate, play, and live.
1. Call the center or complete a referral form
2. RBS will contact you to set up an initial intake appointment
3. A Written Order is completed by a qualified professional
4. RBS will complete a face-to-face assessment
5. Treatment packet is submitted for approval from the Managed Care Organization
6. Services are authorized and first day of treatment is scheduled
*Things needed to begin center-based treatment: Medical Access card number, all other insurance information, Diagnosis documentation, Transportation
Make a Referral
Complete a referral form, and someone from RBS will get in touch with you to begin the intake process